My name is Josua Göcking. I'm 30 years old and live in the vicinity of Stuttgart. Although a learned physicist I'm currently working as a system engineer in the automotive industry.

In my study of physics at the university of Heidelberg I specialised in theoretical particle physics. Also now, after my study, I'm still very interested in scientific topics.
Since I'm also a believer, I'm especially interested in topics that are concerned with combining faith and science. I even wrote a book about this topic titled „Sci-Faith – The Compatibility of Faith and Science“.
However, Sci-Faith is not merely the title of a book, but also a vision to do science based on a foundation in faith. I'm convinced that if science is done on a foundation in faith there will be new discoveries and theories that are in line with the Bible and are able to describe the world better than our current theories will emerge.
But most of all I bevieve, that this will bring us back to the real reason why we are doing science: To know our wonderful creator in an even deeper way.
Since I really enjoy writing I'm already working on my next book project. This time I'm working on a science-fiction novel. The german version will be probably finished this year.
Additionally I'm writing blog articles on this site. The topics revolve around faith, science and software development.
Other than that I like to read and also do my own coding. Some of my projects can be found on my GitHub Page. For example, there is a program for controlling your weight by couting calories, which helped me to reduce my weight by more than 20 kg.
You can also find me on the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.